KGC seeks UN’s attention to India’s demographic change of indigenous people of the State of Jammu & Kashmir

UN chief Antonio Guterres (File Photo | AP)

KGC Vice President, Mufti Showkat Farooqi’s letter seeking the United Nation Secretary General’s attention to India’s demographic change of indigenous people of the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

His Excellency
Antonio Guterres
Secretary General, United Nations

Your Excellency.

The Kashmir Global Council strives to bring to your attention that, while the world is rattled with the Covid-19 crisis, India is engaged in turning the people of Kashmir as serfs in their own country. To accomplish this sinister objective the government of India has brought out an illegal and malicious frame work. This frame work is comprised of fraudulent legal manipulations, use of military might, violent suppression, human rights violations, and economic lockdown. These measures are aimed at crushing the people of Jammu and Kashmir and changing thedemographic character of the disputed state.

The government of India has enacted a new domicile rule enabling nonresidents to apply forresident status in Jammu and Kashmir unfolding its sinister design to change its Muslim majority status. As a matter of fact, all these measures are designed to encroach upon the political and human rights of the people of Kashmir. The current regime constitutes a major threat to the peace and prosperity of the region. Their fascist and anti-minority agenda is under no wraps now. The international media and credible non-government human rights groups have already voiced their serious concern about the growing Hindu fascist threats across the country.

Over the years the framework developed under the International Law has codified the rights of the occupied territory’s inhabitants. One key aim of the international rules on occupation is to enable the inhabitants of an occupied territory to pursue as “normal” a way of life as possible in
such circumstances. To this effect, and recognizing the temporary nature of the occupation, theoccupying power is required to administer the territory as far as possible without making far-reaching changes to the existing order, while at the same time ensuring the protection of the fundamental rights of the inhabitants. In fact, most of the basic rules on occupation are of a customary law character, and are universally binding. None allow for any derogation.

In fact Clause-6 of The UN resolution of 1949 provided for the return of all “citizens” of the State who had left the state on account of disturbances. It specifically provided that all non-citizens who had entered the state, except for lawful purposes, on or since 15 August 1947 “shall be required to leave the State.” It further enjoined upon the Government of India to ensure the release of all political prisoners and take all possible steps so that all citizens of the State,including those who had left the State, are able to exercise their rights as citizens.

Clearly, the demographic changes India has initiated in Jammu and Kashmir are in violation of the UN resolution of 1949 and International Law.

The Kashmir Global Council fully shares your vision to resolve the conflicts and divert thoseresources towards the wellbeing of citizens. In order to achieve such a noble objective, it is imperative that the United Nations create an unambiguous policy in cooperation with the powerful international actors. The international actors must lend their priority focus on the human rights and freedoms of the occupied countries like Kashmir. It is our pledge that our organization will not shy away from any cooperation.


Mufti Showkat Farooqi
Vice President
Kashmir Global Council