

To establish a free, peaceful, Independent, just and a prosperous Kashmir.

To advocate for the fundamental right of self-determination and freedom for the people of Kashmir based on the internationally accepted democratic principles and universal values.


  1. To plan and execute policies and programs that will facilitate the exercise of the right of self-determination by the people of Kashmir in a non-threatening and peaceful manner and without compromising the sovereignty or territorial integrity of Kashmir;
  2. To raise the international profile of the Kashmir dispute by informing the global public square through media campaigns, seminars and conferences about the commitments made by the international community to the people of Kashmir for their inalienable right to self-determination and by reminding both India and Pakistan of their explicit recognition of that right of the people of Kashmir to determine the final status of their homeland;
  3. To work with India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir as well as the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, European Union and other world leaders, to the extent possible, for comprehensive and peaceful resolution of the internationally recognized Kashmir dispute in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir;
  4. To promote international and regional peace and security by educating and informing opinion makers and general public about the potential of the nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan;
  5. To document, disseminate and highlight the human rights violations in Kashmir and to persuade governments and appropriate institutions, including but not limited to the United Nations Human Rights Council, to exercise their influence to bring such violations to an immediate end;
  6. To work for the abolition of the draconian laws against the freedoms of the people in Kashmir and to work with civil society to disseminate information regarding the mass graves, rapes and disappearances in Indian-occupied Kashmir;
  7. To advocate for the release of all political prisoners languishing in the jails and interrogation centers;
  8. To plead for the basic right of freedom of expression and opinion;
  9. To assist in developing well informed and imaginative young leadership of Kashmiri ancestry and promote, preserve and advance Kashmiri arts and culture locally and globally;


Greater Kashmir – Kashmiris in North America form advocacy group to resolve Kashmir Issue 

KNS Kashmir – Kashmiris in North America form PAG to resolve Kashmir issue 

Kashmir Observer – NRKs in America Unite,form Advocacy Group,To Work Cohesively For Kashmir 

Kashmir Monitor – Kashmiris in North America form a Political Advocacy Group to resolve Kashmir Issue

Kashmir Life – NRKs in America Unite, form Advocacy Group, To Work Cohesively For Kashmir

Rising Kashmir – Kashmiris in North America form advocacy group to resolve K-issue